These services are designed to assist with completion of all annual requirements for ongoing program compliance. These include:
- Provide annual Rural Health Clinic mock inspection;
- Provide annual review of Rural Health Clinic Policy and Procedure Manual;
- Provide required Annual Evaluation and Program Review documentation;
- Provide annual recommendations to improve Rural Health Clinic Program Compliance;
- Periodic assessment of clinic expenses and to determine any areas where adjustments are needed to maintain the current rate;
- Create Medicare Provider File for each clinic or entity;
- Provide written cost-report documentation requirements;
- Prepare consolidated Rural Health Clinic cost-report for appropriate entities;
- Complete and submit a finalized year-end consolidated cost report to the third party administrator;
- Coordinate possible requests for additional supporting documentation from Fiscal Intermediary;
- Follow –up to ensure that annual reconciliation amounts are paid;
- Make recommendations where appropriate to maximize the financial impact of the rural health clinic benefit;
- Maintain compliance with all cost-reporting requirements, regulations, and interpretations.
- Monitor the quality assurance program.
- Facilitate communication between the rural health clinic and the Fiscal Intermediary.
- Ongoing assistance from North American staff by means of telephone, facsimile or e-mail regarding questions pertaining to rural health billing configuration collections, revised policies, etc.
- Provide information regarding legislative or reimbursement updates affecting the Rural Health Clinic Program.